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Robin Class

Welcome to Robin Class!

Welcome to Robin Class. My name is Mrs Guerriero, and I will be teaching Robin Class this year. Our new full time teaching assistant, Miss Gardner, will be starting with us this term. We look forward to welcoming her into Robin Class. Miss Gardner will also look after us at lunchtime.


Our main aim is to ensure that the needs of all of the children are met, that they are happy and safe and that they enjoy coming to school. We also like to inject much fun as possible into our learning!

Our school motto is: Be Kind ~ Be Your Best ~ Be Happy. We believe that working closely with the families we serve is a key factor in achieving these aims.

We have lots of fun and cover a range of curriculum areas in our topic work. Here are some of the topics we study:

  • The Gunpowder Plot;
  •  Adventurers
  • Continents and Oceans
  • Animals, including Humans
  • Remembrance Day
  • Weather and Seasons
  • Everyday Materials

We enjoy a variety of trips and visitors to school each term and often go for walks around the village. We are very excited to be going on various trips this year, including:

  • A visit to The Space Centre;
  • Haddon Fields ;
  • Nuneaton Heritage Centre; and
  • Sparkenhoe Primary School.

Throughout the year, we take part in the school’s Harvest Festival - leading the readings, Easter Service and Christmas Carol Service at our local church - All Saints Church. Parents/ Carers are welcome to come along to these services.

We also take part in The Nativity performance - with Owl Class, and host a visit from Sparkenhoe Primary School.

Reading and Library Books:

Reading is an essential part of our class; it is really important that the children read every day at home for 5 to 10 minutes. We value parent support, in particular with hearing children read, as this is a fundamental skill to being able to access all areas of the curriculum. We have Reading Scheme books each week to read at home. Our main Reading Scheme is “Read Write Inc” but in Year 1 and 2, we quickly progress onto a variety of other scheme books and Real Readers as our confidence grows. Reading Books are changed once a week, usually on the same day each week and there is a reading information sheet inside our book bags with information on how to support reading at home. Library Time is run by Miss Gardner, every Friday afternoon and we really enjoy changing the books we have borrowed and sharing book recommendations with our friends. Each year, twelve books (six for each year group) are selected and displayed in Robin Class in order to promote a love for reading. These books are known by the children as our ‘Recommended Reads’. Every Friday, the children have the opportunity to borrow one of these books to take home and share with their families. Borrowed books must be returned to school on the following Monday.


Homework will be set each week on a Wednesday, and is to be completed by Tuesday the following week. Workbooks containing homework will be sent home each week. The set homework can be viewed on the Robin Class page on the website: Thank you for supporting your child’s learning and progress. Year 2 children will be completing Spelling Tests every Friday. The spelling words will be available on your child’s Spelling Shed weekly. The Spelling Shed games are a wonderful way for the children to practise their spellings, and a paper copy of the week’s spellings will also be sent home every Monday. By the end of KS1, children are expected to know their 2, 5 and 10 times tables up to twelve (e.g. 10 x 12). To help your child reach this goal, they will be given a log in for TTRS to enable them to practise at home.


PE is on a Wednesday afternoon for our class. The children will arrive school wearing their PE kit. Please make sure your childs PE kit and uniform is labelled with your child’s name.

Class Updates:

Throughout the year, we share photographs and school news via Instagram (@clipstonvcprimary), showing various activities, inside and outside the classroom that we have enjoyed! Please visit us and follow our page for regular updates. (You do not need to be a member of Instagram, or follow us, in order to do this.)

Miss Gardner and I appreciate your support, and if you have any concerns please feel free to come and have a chat with any of us at the end of the day. We very much look forward to helping your child learn and progress while they are in Robin Class.

Robin Class Homework 2024 - 2025:

Robin Class Spelling Lists:

Robin Class Learning: