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Woodpecker Class

Welcome to Woodpecker Class!

We are a class of Year 5 and 6 children taught by Mrs Smith, with one member of support staff working with us each morning and four afternoons per week (Mrs Glover).

As members of the eldest class, we are given greater responsibilities across the school, for example, Sports Crew and Book Nook Buddies. Year 6 can also nominate themselves to become House Captains for the school. We all write in blue handwriting pens or fountain pens (not biros).

We have lots of fun and cover a range of curriculum areas in our topic work. Here are some of the topics we study:

  • The Frozen World
  • Ancient Greece
  • African Adventure
  • Kingdom of Benin
  • English Civil War (including the Battle of Naseby) 
  • WW1
  • Elizabethan England
  • Shakespeare Showcase
  • Raging Rivers

We have also enjoyed partaking in workshops run by guest speakers and many school trips, including visits to:

  • The Shakespeare Centre and Birthplace
  • Mary Arden’s Farm
  • Snozone
  • Whipsnade Zoo
  • Kidzania
  • Magistrates Visit
  • Pinnacle Climbing Centre
  • Pitsford Water Sports Centre.

Extracurricular Activities:

Years 5 and 6 also have the opportunity to attend a five-day residential in the Autumn term, biennially. (Our next full residential is taking place this year!) Additionally, during Year 5, we have the chance to take part in Bikeability which teaches us the skills needed so we cycle safely and confidently on the roads.
Throughout the year we take part in the school’s Harvest Festival, Christmas Carol Concert and Easter Service, leading the readings. Years 5 and 6 enjoy rehearsing and performing an end-of-year theatrical production for the community and parents, too. Our 2023 production was ‘Joseph and the Technicolour Dreamcoat’ – a musical extravaganza!

Home/School Reading:

Reading is a fundamental skill, helping us to access all areas of the curriculum, and reading books are required to be in school each day. In Woodpecker Class, we can choose our own reading book from our class library (with guidance from an adult where necessary to broaden our reading experience or to provide appropriate challenge). We are also welcome to bring our own suitable reading book from home to school each day. In Year 5 and 6, we are responsible for changing our own books and updating the class reading log as we start and finish each book. We are asked to read at home regularly (approximately 20 minutes per day) and to regularly promote our ‘Recommended Reads’ to each other in class, leaving book recommendations for our friends.


Homework is set every Friday and completed by the following Wednesday. In addition, we have a weekly spelling test and times table fact test every week.

PE and Uniform:

We have PE on a Tuesday afternoon so we need to ensure we wear our PE kit to school on this day. We have lots of space for our belongings: lunchbox shelves, water bottle shelves, individual pegs and drawers. We make sure we look smart and are ready to learn by limiting jewellery to one pair of earlobe studs. These must be removed by ourselves during PE (or covered with micro-pore tape supplied by our parents). Make-up, nail varnish and large hair accessories (e.g. Jo-Jo bows) are not allowed. Any hair bands or clips must reflect the school colours of red / grey / black / white.

Class Updates:

Throughout the year, we share photographs and school news via Instagram (@clipstonvcprimary), showing various activities, inside and outside the classroom that we have enjoyed! Please visit us and follow our page for regular updates. (You do not need to be a member of Instagram, or follow us, in order to do this.)

We look forward to welcoming you to Woodpecker class this year!

Woodpecker Class Homework 2023 - 2024:

22nd September 2023
Year 5 | Year 6
29th September 2023
Year 5 | Year 6
6th October 2023
Year 5 | Year 6
13th October 2023
Year 5 | Year 6
20th October 2023
Year 5 | Year 6
3rd November 2023
Year 5 | Year 6
10th November 2023
Year 5 | Year 6
17th November 2023
Year 5 | Year 6
24th November 2023
Year 5 | Year 6
1st December 2023
Year 5 | Year 6
8th December 2023
Year 5 | Year 6
5th January 2024
Year 5 | Year 6
12th January 2024
Year 5 | Year 6
19th January 2024
Year 5 | Year 6
26th January 2024
Year 5 | Year 6
2nd February 2024
Year 5 | Year 6
9th February 2024
Year 5 | Year 6
16th February 2024
Year 5 | Year 6
1st March 2024
Year 5 | Year 6
8th March 2024
Year 5 | Year 6
15th March 2024
Year 5 | Year 6
22nd March 2024
Year 5 | Year 6
19th April 2024
Year 5 | Year 6
26th April 2024
Year 5 | Year 6
3rd May 2024
Year 5 | Year 6
10th May 2024
Year 5 | Year 6
17th May 2024
Year 5 | Year 6
24th May 2024
Year 5 | Year 6
7th June 2024
Year 5 | Year 6
14th June 2024
Year 5 | Year 6
21st June 2024
Year 5 | Year 6
28th June 2024
Year 5 | Year 6
5th July 2024
Year 5 | Year 6

Woodpecker Class Spelling Lists:

Woodpecker Class Learning: